Sam Auinger
sonic thinker, composer, sound-artist

He is collaborating with cityplaners and architects, giving lectures and is a frequent
participant of international symposiums on the topic of urban planning, architecture, media
and the senses. Currently he is an associate of the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Since 1989 he works together with the composer Bruce Odland exploring the central theme of
hearing perspective. Their work is known for large scale, public space sound installations that transform
city noise into harmony in real-time. Over the years Sam Auinger has received numerous prizes and
awards for his work.  []

Hannes Strobl
composer, bassplayer, sound-artist

Central starting point for his music is the soundbased potential on the electric bass / electric uprightbass.
Hannes Strobl expands the instrumental-specific repertoire of expression by combining combining
advanced playing technics with live electronics.

The main focus of his work on the instrument and the compositional activity, are in the last years
musical forms in connection with our urban sound environment and space.

Together with Dietmar Offenhuber and Sam Auinger he is the founder the artist group statdtmusik
which deals with sound in cities, by analysing sound structures which are triggered by urban buildings
and facilities. With David Moss and Hanno Leichtmann he is the founder of the project denseland.