sound sources by technology (2013)

[performance] MADE Festival / Umea (SWE) 05.2013

Sam Auinger: sampler, field recordings
Hannes Strobl: e-bass, electronics
David Moss: voice, stories

Each performance is unique.
Each performance finds a specific, central technology from the host city for its
raw material, sonic heart, rhythmic pulses and thematic metaphors.
Each performance swirls musically in, around and through the local technology.

Never before has our daily environment and sound-sphere been so overwhelmed by modern
industrial technologies and their acoustic emissions. We are largely unaware of the
hidden effects that technologies – human artifacts – have on our daily listening lives.

We play with the technological sounds of our lives in intimate „real-time“.

Long-standing discussions, collaborations and research into the future of listening
led to the formation of Technologies in 2009. Auinger, Strobl and Moss are known for
developing and evolving sonic languages, and for creating new audio experiences.

Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes; a manner
of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge;
the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor; the machinery and equipment
deriving from such scientific knowledge.

Technologies: living the sounds of our lives